/ Downloads: 797
A Shoutout command that grabs pronoun information set from Alejo "https://pronouns.alejo.io/" and then announces the shoutout in addition to also a regular chat message (as Twitch mobile still doesn't support announce messages yet). Credit to Alejo and Zaytri for the building blocks of how to reverse engineer the API's and also MamaTamago for helping me consolidate it into one command.
Ratings & Reviews
JirPlays - 06/08/2022
Great job
MamaTamago - 06/08/2022
this is so freaking cool!! I love that you're using Alejo's Prounouns & Zaytri's code building block <3 WE LOVE PRONOUNS
maunyx - 06/08/2022
Just what I needed! Helps save time asking raiders what their pronouns are, especially if they can't respond quickly.
kaciestar - 06/08/2022
I was able to add this in with my current shoutout command/auto shoutout when someone raids me and it works wonderfully! Thanks for figuring this out and sharing with us!
LadyCriiah - 06/09/2022
I love this so much! thank you!!!
SpoonieCraft - 12/16/2024
Works great, aside from the Twitch /announce feature being buggy right now. But that's just a matter of removing the "/announce" part of that chat action.